Evolutionary Healing and Life-Changing Retreats

Beautiful Soul! If you made it to this page and you are reading this……


Your presence is needed at this time and when we say your presence, we mean all of you.


It’s time to free yourself yourself by sharing your divine being-ness with the world and create connection with people who desire to be heard, felt and seen.


It’s time to be as raw, real, and authentic on your path.


We’re so excited that you feel the calling to heal and expand with Plant Medicine.


…..It’s no accident that you are reading this


Recognizing your issues, strengths, and weaknesses is the first step to wholeness and can provide invaluable guidance while on the path to living the life of your dreams.


Working with plant medicine is an opportunity to get to the core of what it means to be You, to discover why you’re here, what the next step for you is. 


This is not for everyone.


But IF….


You feel like you’ve always known that there was something “more” to Life, some truth that resonates deep in your Soul, but you just can’t put your finger on it….


You are ready to find your deeper purpose in life, to make the world a better place for future generations…


You have read the books, been to seminars, therapy, and feel like something else is missing….


You never settle for the status quo, and you are ready to radically transform and  heal your life…


Then Keep Reading…


Imagine being guided by your ancestors, your guides, experiencing unconditional Love and Healing. 


This Is Your Chance….


The Law of the Universe states that all energy given is always returned….so the investment we make in ourselves always reflects directly in our Growth! 


It takes great courage to go within and we honor you for your willingness to take this path with us. In order to change the world at large, we must first start from within. 


It’s time to see who you TRULY are within, receive answers on your Purpose and Path on this Planet.




Our Retreats are designed to be small and intimate. (8-14 person max) Because of this, our spaces fill up fast.

 To reserve your spot please APPLY below. 

Cachito De Cielo

Ayahuasca Retreat in

Tulum, MX

6 Days, 5 Nights

8-14 Guests

*Private Villas Available

$2,850.00 USD

Dates:                                           Spots:
June 25th – 30th                         8
October 1st – 6th                        14
November 5th – 10th                14
December 3rd – 8th                 14
Tepoztlan - House front view

Ayahuasca Retreat in

Tepoztlan, MX

6 Days, 5 Nights

8-14 Guests

All-Inclusive Retreat

$2,650.00 USD

Dates:                                 Spots:
“New Dates Will Be Added Soon”


Blueston Ocean Villa

Ayahuasca Retreat in

Cancun, MX

8 Days, 7 Nights

12 Guests

Jungle – $2,750.00 USD

Ocean Villa – $3,750.00

June 21st – 28th (Jungle)

July 22nd – 29th (Jungle)

September 2nd – 9th (Ocean)

September 18th – 25th (Jungle)

October 18th – 25th (Jungle)

November 1st – 8th (Ocean)

November 14th – 21st (Jungle)


Ayahuasca Retreat in

Austin, TX

5 Days, 4 Nights

10 Guests

All-Inclusive Retreat

$1,850.00 USD

Dates:                               Spots:
June 4th – 8th                10

What Is An Ayahuasca Retreat?

It’s a profound opportunity to work closely in a safe container with an experienced Shaman through a guided journey into another dimension. The natural healing power of Ayahuasca and other medicinal plants help retreat participants to reconnect back to nature and their true selves.


Ayahuasca is a wholly natural, non-toxic plant that takes you to the core of your true self. Rather than mask it, it reveals; rather than being able to escape, it takes you by the hand and into your core. Ayahuasca has no residual effects other than pushing you to continue to grow and evolve. It cannot hurt, damage, or alter anything in your body; it simply gives you greater awareness. All that’s required on your part is a sincere desire to heal/change, the courage to look at yourself, and the desire to follow through on your new perceptions and learnings. 


Ayahuasca is a brew consisting of the Ayahuasca vine and the leaves of the Chacruna plant. It is the blend most-often used in Peru. The leaves of the Chacruna plant contain DMT and the DMT is what generates the visions and the colors we experience when taking Ayahuasca. The Ayahuasca vine, however, is what takes us deeply within and promotes the personal work for which the plant is famous for, and contains a substance that allows the DMT free reign in the body.


DMT is a naturally occurring substance in common foodstuffs such as oranges. Typically our stomachs generate an enzyme that neutralizes the DMT in the food we eat. The Ayahuasca vine emits a substance that neutralizes that enzyme and allows it to work. DMT is also a naturally occurring substance in our own bodies. It is emitted by the pineal gland in direct proportion to our level of consciousness. DMT in the body is needed for lucid dreaming, for example, so it too promotes spiritual growth and healing.


According to current scientific research, Ayahuasca can boost your mood, improve mindfulness, treat depression, anxiety, stress, and addiction disorders. It also protects brain cells and can stimulate neural cell growth. Working in a retreat setting can help 

Working with the medicine in a retreat setting improves your relationship with others. You develop empathy and love for others, are able to work through any triggers, support others in that space of a retreat container and many people have experienced an overall improvement in their relationship with others. 


Working in community with others is critical because they are often an important source of social connection and give you a sense of belonging. In the retreat space you are able to be in a supportive group that is helping each other cope with difficult challenges, you create a stronger bond, are able to solve problems in a group and more importantly you celebrate each other’s growth and healing. 

“A Mind That Is Stretched By A New Experience Can Never Go Back To Its Old Dimensions.” 

– Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Meet The Ayahuasquera



Amina has been working with Ayahuasca and other Peruvian traditions since 2010. She shares and brings sacred plant medicine, Temazcal, cacao ceremonies to all people. With over 700+ Ayahuasca ceremonies and many master plant dietas, she is a very skilled Ayahuasquera and facilitator. 

In her travels to different countries, she obtained certifications in Structural Energy Awakening, Chi Nei Tsan (An ancient Taoist system for detoxifying and rejuvenating the internal organs), Biomagnetism Energy Healing, Recreational and Sports Medicine, balance ball yoga at the RSM Chianmai in Thailand where she lived for 6 months. 

Amina also has a Master’s degree in Psychotherapy, provides therapies and facilitates processes that focus on the expansion of consciousness. She uses different methods to connect with the subconscious and its connection with the subtle part of our psyche. 

Originally from Mexico, Amina began her spiritual journey as a moon dancer and carried this tradition for more than 14 years contributing to the healing of women around the world.

Amina is passionate about supporting others on their healing journey and working with different modalities. For more than 10 years she has learned and supported Temazcal ceremonies which combines the medicine of Mother Earth, with the guidance of the drum towards a therapeutic journey helping us to connect with our essence.

Amina shares the medicine of sacred plants of power in circles of women, with individuals and in week long retreats. A lot of her experience came from working with different guides of the Amazonian tradition of Peru and learning from her Shipibo Maestros Delsi and Fernando.

As part of the growth and connecting with mother earth, she shares the medicine of the heart of Cacao, recognizing the ancestors and as an integral part of the work with the elementals.

Credits: https://tripinspirit.com

Picture credit: Amina Tezkatlahuiz

Why Choose Samskara Retreats?

A primary focus of the Samskara Ayahuasca Retreat team, is that you have a profound and healing experience. We are committed to your growth and transformational process and we know how important it is to be supported on your journey from beginning to end. Anna and Carla have vast knowledge and experience with transformation and plant medicine. We know the importance of holding space and integrating your experiences. 


From the moment you feel the call, the Samskara Retreat team is there to answer any questions you have and support you on your journey ahead. We offer integration sessions, body movement, and various tools to help you navigate the medicine. During your retreat, you are given healthy and high vibrational food to support your journey. After the retreat, the Samskara Retreat team is there to support your post retreat integration as well. 


Once you say yes to this opportunity, you are not just saying yes to the medicine. You are saying yes to a lifetime of family, love, and support. You are saying yes to a lifetime of connection with Grandmother Ayahuasca. 


We work with experienced facilitators that are truly unlike anything you will experience anywhere else. Although working with the medicine is a personal experience and journey, know that the Samskara Retrat team will be there to fully support your process and help you at any time if needed. We strongly believe in holding space but also being very mindful of your healing process and will make sure that you are well taken care every step of the way from the time you set foot in the retreat space, in your Cacao, Temazcal, Ayahuasca ceremonies and in any of the activities.Â